Saturday, April 11, 2009

Welcome Ellison Margery DeGraaf!

Ellison Margery DeGraaf was born Friday 4/10/09 at 5:05 pm weighing in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 20 inches in length. Total labor was 4 hours and 5 minutes, with only 10 minutes of pushing! I'll write the whole story another time, but for now here's some cute pics...

Safe in Daddy's arms...

Already Daddy is wrapped around her little tiny finger...

Let's just say she knows how to work that tongue.

I have a DAUGHTER!

Mommy holding Ellison for the first time...


linda said...

I love her so much already! She is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Congrat woman!!!!! 4 hours! I am impressed! From now on you are laying hands on all the expectant mothers (he he). She is beautiful and I love her name. So very cute!!! I would love to come visit you at home so I will be calling! Congrats and all my love!!! Leah

chelley said...

She's so cute! I can't believe your whole labor was only 4 hours!!! I pushed for nearly that long with my daughter. Good job, Mommy!

kasey said...

Krysia! She is beautiful! What a perfect little face she has. And that last photo blows me away! That is the first time you held her? How come you looks so refreshed and perfect?! You amaze me! YAY you have a daughter!!!