Thursday, April 2, 2009

Am I Emotional or What?

I'm feeling very down today. Garrett was a mess the rest of the day after we left EB's house yesterday, and by bedtime I was so frustrated I told Doug to do it. He ended up putting Garrett BACK to bed 3 more times. Finally I got so frustrated with that, that I ended up doing it. He finally went to sleep. I went to bed at 10:15, but was awakened 3 more times by Garrett throughout the night. He got up at 6:30 this morning and WOULD NOT return to bed. He wouldn't stop crying, and to be honest, I had absolutely NO sympathy for him. I didn't want anything to do with him. Once again, Doug stepped in to save me from myself.

I feel like everything sucks. I never see Doug, and when I do, one of us is always wrapped up in taking care of Garrett. After work, Doug usually gives me a break by playing with him, which is nice, but then I don't get to see Doug either. I don't get the adult time. Even after Garrett goes to bed (if he stays there), Doug stays up late to study. I don't feel connected to him anymore.

Garrett is driving me nuts. Physically I'm so tired, that even chasing him around outside is something I try to avoid. I feel bad that he's cooped up inside the house all day when he's home with me. He constantly wants to be picked up, which is getting really hard to do, but cries and clings to my legs if I don't. I can't just walk away from him because he just follows me everywhere until I pick him up. And usually, if I'm at the point of wanting to walk away from him, I'm getting sick of all the whining and crying and NEED to get away from him... thus having no sympathy for how he feels. Then when I'm over my funky mood, I feel like a horrible mom.

Emotionally, I'm overcooked. I feel like my wanting to be a stay-at-home mom is a crazy decision because if I can't handle it now while I'm still working (although pregnant), how am I going to handle it at all? I feel like a bad mom because of how I treat Garrett lately and how much I want this pregnancy to be over. Do I want this pregnancy to be over because I'm so excited to meet my little girl? No. Although I do feel excited at times, lately because of all the other emotions swirling about I mostly want to be done because I'm sick of it. But then I think, "How awful am I going to be once she's HERE?"

I'm on overload right now and feel like there's no end in sight. All I feel like doing today is crying. But unfortunately I have to be an adult and go to work. Please tell me that I'm not crazy and most women feel like this at the end of pregnancy! Please tell me it gets better!


linda said...

Oh honey! I am so sorry! laney has been doing that lately, and it is so HARD! Bending over and picking her up is so hard and then at the end of the day, you feel like you are going to collapse! I will continue praying and also for a smooth transition from one to two. For you and Garrett!