Thursday, April 9, 2009

Tomorrow must be the day...

that I finally get to meet my stubborn daughter. I'm scheduled for an induction at 5:30am tomorrow. So far I've had lots of back pain, but yesterday and so far today I've had NO contractions. So today Garrett and I are going to his Mimi's house to paint Easter eggs, and I'm bringing all his overnight stuff so that we can bring him back over there after dinner and he'll be staying the night. Then not bright but very early we'll be heading to the hospital to be induced. The ironic part of all this (and I scheduled the induction without knowing this ahead of time) is that Baby Girl will be born on Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified on the cross and died for our sins. Garrett was born the day we celebrate Jesus' birthday...weird, huh?

I guess I still have an opportunity to go into labor on my own today and even tonight, but I'm not counting on it. She's obviously mine and Doug's daughter, so she's a stubborn little mule of a child and refuses to be born. She'll have to get used not not getting her way because we're serving her eviction notice tomorrow morning whether she likes it or not!

Mommy is just so ready to be done. Emotionally I'm feeling a little depressed and saddened. Mostly because she hasn't come yet, but also I don't want to be induced either. I was hoping that she'd come on her own. But I really don't think that I can handle waiting until next week and therefore giving her a few more days to make this decision on her own. Physically it gets harder everyday too. Garrett always wants to play outside, always wants me to pick him up, always wants to lay ON me before and after bed/nap times. I even told Doug last night that I'm starting to feel deformed because I'm so pregnant. She's dropped quite a bit, and my belly doesn't really look like this cute little round ball anymore. To me it looks like she's going to fall right out!

At least I'm guaranteed to not be pregnant after tomorrow and we can go back to being a family, with a new cute little addition.


linda said...

AMEN! I am praying that she comes tonight and is still born tomorrow on Good Friday! I love that you made that connection! And the eviction notice part made me laugh!