Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Two Days Overcooked!

I'm officially past my due date by two days now, with no real signs of her coming. At my appointment yesterday, Dr. Florido said that I'm still 3 cm and still 50% effaced. She stripped my membranes again, and for the remainder of the evening I was having frequent but painless contractions. They never really went anywhere, but maybe it means that my body is just getting ready for her to come. If she doesn't come on her own, then I'm scheduled to be induced on Friday. I'm also scheduled for a non-stress test and an ultrasound today to make sure her environment is still in perfect working order.

I went back in my journal that I kept when I was pregnant with Garrett and tried to find something that might indicate that labor was coming shortly, and the only thing I could find was that three days prior I was also having frequent but painless contractions. Two days prior I didn't write, so I'm not sure what happened. One day prior I went into false labor.

Today I have a list of things that I'd like to get done as long as I don't have a two year old on my hip (he's in daycare on Tuesdays :-) ) My good friend EB told me that I should make a list of things that I'd like to get done, but don't care if they get done; fun things for me to keep myself busy so that I'm not just sitting around the house waiting. Unfortunately a couple of those things HAVE TO get done before I go into labor. (It really doesn't work to run out of diapers AND wipes for Garrett when I'm in the hospital!)

So hopefully after all my appointments and errands today, something will get a movin' here!


EB said...

go Krysia go!! Get lots of errands done... and if you find you have an unexplainable burst of energy... pack your bags; that baby's coming SOON! with both mine, I had one of those days where I just got a ton of stuff done and then they came soon after...

linda said...

Well, that is good idea! No diapers for you lil guy would not be good! And run to Target, that always is fun for me!