Sunday, April 5, 2009

Today's the big day!... or not.

Okay, So I'm officially due today! I know it's extremely rare for someone to actually deliver on their due date, but I have one theory as to why it might be today.

When I first got pregnant with Garrett, I went online to figure out what my due date was. Most websites said that to figure out your due date, you take the first day of your last period, go back 3 months, then add 1 week. Ta-Da! Well, when I did this with Garrett, I figured out my due date was on December 25! When I actually saw my OB 3 weeks later, she figured it to be December 23rd. Well, December 23rd came and went, and so did the 24th with false labor. Finally on December 25th, Garrett decided to make his entrance, on MY calculated due date! Coincidence? Maybe.

This time, I did the same exact thing, calculating my due date as April 5th! It just happened that my OB calculated the same day. So, it's only 9:30am as I'm writing this, I still could quite possibly have her today.

But I have 1 theory as to why she won't come today. According to my OB's due date, Garrett was 2 days overdue. After watching plenty of friends have babies, one of my closest friends most recently (8 weeks ago today!) had her baby 3 days early. Her first baby was also 3 days early. So, if patterns are to repeat themselves, Baby Girl may very well be 2 days late as well. We'll see. She may buck any trend and decide not to come at all unless we induce her!

We're all waiting on you, Baby Girl!


linda said...

I know this is extremely selfish, but I can't wait for you to have her so I can know her name!!! I keep checking facebook like a lunatic to see if there is any new news. But, I will continue to pray.... I just can't wait!!!