Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ultrasound pics...

I had my ultrasound today and she's in the right position to deliver! Thank God! The pictures that were taken don't look very good because her face is half hidden behind the placenta. She also looks a bit chubby, which Doug will be very happy about. Here are two of the best pics that were taken...
In this picture, it's kind of hard to see, but her right hand is in front of her right eye/cheek area.

Unfortunately, these are the only pictures that we got that she looked mostly normal. The ultrasound tech Melanie also showed me a shot of her head where you can see her hair! Doug will also be excited about that! He can't wait to put bows in her hair. It's kind of odd to think that the next pictures I'll be posting of her will be newborn pictures! Its coming so fast and not fast enough at the same time. But for now, I'm content knowing that God will be planning her birthday and not us.


Anonymous said...

Love the pics of my granddaughter, I think she's beautiful no matter that her face is against the placenta. As her Nana and a hairdresser I can't wait to put bows in her hair. Thank you Krysia and Doug for letting me be a part of her entry into this world. Love you

Anonymous said...

She looks so chubby! I LOVE it! And hair? Totally jealous! I am so excited you are having a girl!

Anonymous said...

she looks like a girl with an attitude.(first impression)just like her mom. thanks krysia for all the joy you have given us. with you, your family and your children. you and your husband have done a great job. dad