Monday, March 16, 2009

She's on her way (hopefully)!

I had another weekly appointment with Dr. Florido. Last week I was dilated a fingertip, and "thinning a little". This week, as I was sitting on the table waiting, I told God that I wanted to be 3cm and 50% effaced. When she came in I told her what I wanted, and it just so happened that I am a "tight" 3cm and 50% effaced! She said it was pretty good progress for 1 week. But I have to be careful to not get my hopes up because I did the same thing with Garrett and I was still 2 days overdue. Dr. Florido also said that she has dropped into my pelvis more because I'm measuring smaller than I did last week (measuring 35-36 weeks this week). She also stripped my membranes, which hurt like crazy and made me sore for the remainder of my work shift, but she didn't feel confident that it would put me into labor in the next 24 hours because my cervix is still so thick. She said it may increase my chances of going into labor next week, but emphasis on the word "may". Again, I had my membranes stripped with Garrett and nothing happened. So we'll see if Baby Girl wants to make an appearance anytime soon. I'm hoping for sooner rather than later.


EB said...

yay! i know you're not supposed to get your hopes up, but still it feels good to make some progress- at least that will be less work to do when it's really time! :) she really is coming SOOO soon!! :)

oh, and no worries; you'll see the sweater with the dress- it was just too bulky with the onesie underneath so when the weather is warm enough to wear short sleeves, i'll make sure i post a picture of it all together. it's so cute!

Anonymous said...

I have been praying and will continue to do so! God really does care about those things! Keep us updated!