Thursday, March 26, 2009

The prayers of a 2 year old...

We've been trying to make a habit of reading Garrett 2 books at bedtime, then we say prayers, then rock in the chair before bed. Tonight was no different. After reading the two chosen books, I asked Garrett if he wanted to rock in the chair and say prayers. "Yeah!" was his response. So all three of us (baby sister too!) climbed into the rocking chair and started with the bedtime prayer "Now I lay me down to sleep..." then continued to ask God to bless Garrett, Mommy, Daddy, Baby Sister, Grandma's and Grandpa's, etc. Once we've gone through the list, I will ask him what he wants to pray for. In the last week or so, Garrett wanted to pray for Daddy, Baby Sister (twice), and my friend EB and her daughter Carolyn. Again tonight, I asked him what he wanted to pray for...

Garrett: "Ummm....hmmmm.....(tapping his chin)... I got it!" (holding his finger in the air)
Me: (laughing) "Okay, what do you want to pray for?"
Garrett: "Ummm... let's see (tapping his chin again)....I know!"
Me: (laughing harder) "What do you want to pray for Garrett?"
Garrett: " Um, ... tows." (Garrett-speak for cows)
Me: "You want to pray for cows?" (more laughter)
Garrett: "YEAH!"

So Mommy had to make up a prayer to pray for the cows of the world... What more could a cow ask for than fresh air and good food, lots of land to roam and lots of mooing? Garrett especially liked the "lots of mooing" part and even had to join in...

What am I going to do with this creative and absolutely adorable little boy?


EB said...

so cute!! :)

linda said...

I can just imagine you rocking with your pregnant belly and mooing! that is so funny!!! I think God gives us children to remind us to laugh and bring us joy!

linda said...

I just read this again.....MOOOOO!
Ha ha! I love it!