Friday, May 1, 2009

Mommy's Little Girl

Ellison is now 3 weeks old as of today. I remember when I was still pregnant, and Garrett wanted nothing to do with me. He only wanted Daddy. I would get a little hurt and think "I can't wait until I have a baby that only wants me..." Well, I have that. And frankly I'm getting tired of it. I love my little girl to pieces, but she WILL NOT sleep unless she's ON me. I have to be holding her or she has to be laying at my side or she just cries. I really try not to keep her in bed with me because I'm afraid something might happen to her. But unfortunately no one in the house (mostly me) will sleep if I don't. So the last few nights I've had her sleeping on my chest or curled up in my arms in bed so that I can get some sleep. The only problem is that I get worried about her getting a blanket or sheet accidentally moved on top of her that I really don't get that great of sleep anyway.

I think that she's too young to just let her cry it out and learn how to sleep on her own, but I don't know what else to do. I don't want this to become a habit, but with nursing every 2-3 hours at night I really do need to keep her in our room. And I think that because she's in our room she can smell me or sense me around her and that's why she won't sleep away from me.

I love holding her, just not ALL the time. And that's what she seems to want from me. I've even tried passing her off to Doug when she's asleep, but she will usually wake up and start fussing, and Doug can't get her to go to sleep unless he hands her back to me.

So, I guess I got what I asked for. Though I'm not so sure I like it now... The grass is always greener on the other side, huh?


EB said...

your kiddos have such cute little lips!!

hang in there! this too shall pass, so they say... and before you know it, she'll be crawling away from you!

and hey, at least you don't have to work! i'm going back wednesday....

Leah said...

Hey woman, that little girl is sooo beautiful! As I read your blog I am reminded about how much I miss cradling my kiddos when they were so small. I watched this morning Emersyn playing t-ball. She is so big and I miss those times of nursing and holding them. It really does go by so stinkin fast. I know the days can get really long when they are so little but it seems like you blink and they have there little teeth falling out by the second.
I will be praying for grace and I cannot wait to see you and little Ellison. Maybe we will see you tomorrow night. Love ya girl, Leah

linda said...

I loved seeing you and her tonight! You are the best!