Thursday, February 26, 2009

Random Garrett Fun

I know it's been a while since I've posted some pics and video of the little man, so here's some random things from our lives lately:

Garrett taking a bubble bath-his new favorite. Bathtime just isn't the same without the bubbles.

Garrett still loves music and loves to dance. Here he sees me taping him and starts hamming it up for the camera.

Speaking of dancing, he's getting more and more aware of things that people talk about and do on TV. He loves watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and at the end of each episode, they do the Hot Dog Dance. Here's Garrett doing his interpretation of that same dance.

Since we moved Garrett into his Big Boy bed, he gets really excited to see it and especially loves to jump on it. Jumping on the bed is not my favorite idea, but I can hardly keep him from doing it. Here's him enjoying the jumping with the encouragement from Daddy with a Hot Dog Dance mixed in.


Anonymous said...

I loved the jumping one the best! Laney LOVES Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! She got to see Disney on ice this weekend and according to Yai-yai she had a heart attack when Donald and Goofy came out! Strangely enough, Donald is her favorite!