Sunday, January 4, 2009

What's pregnancy without a little scare...

Last night I went to the hospital. From first thing in the morning, baby girl was not moving. The only reason I noticed her lack of movement throughout the remainder of the morning was because Doug kept putting his hand on my belly, trying to feel her kick. I noticed after a little while that her normal times for movement were NOT happening. By 2:30 pm, I called my fellow preggers EB (whose hubby is an OB/GYN and also helped deliver Garrett) and asked her what I should do. I took her advice, to drink some juice and lay down on my left side for 1 hour, but nothing happened. I started chugging candy. I did feel a couple flutters, but nothing substantial like she normally does. I had also tried calling Brad (EB's hubby), but he wasn't home. So I called the on-call doc at my office and he told me to go to the hospital.

I was pretty upset and very worried. Once Doug got home from the store, we left and dropped Garrett off at his Mimi's house and went straight to the hospital. They hooked me up to the monitors and they found the heartbeat right away. I was so relieved I started crying. Unfortunately she was being VERY uncooperative and kept moving away from the monitor. After several attempts, we got her secured and Doug and I just sat there for what seemed like forever, just listening to her heartbeat. That was heaven for me.

They kept us for a while, just to check everything over a longer period of time, and then they did an ultrasound. But this was not just any ultrasound. She had 4 categories that she had to pass within 30 minutes. I don't remember all they checked for, but she had practice her breathing and had to show movement. Let's just say that this little one is an overachiever and received the highest score possible (an 8) within 2 minutes of starting the test.

So, everything is fine. Thanks goodness! I never felt so relieved in my entire life. So far this morning she's already more active than she was all day yesterday, which is great news to me. Hopefully she doesn't continue the trend to make mommy worry like that. If so, she's going to be in time-out a lot!


Anonymous said...

glad everything is ok!

pb said...

So glad to hear that both you and baby girl are doing fine !

Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything is ok! Any more luck on the name?

krysia.degraaf said...

Unfortunately, Doug and I are still at odds on the name. I like Ellis, he likes Lillian. I hate Lillian! Perfectly cute, for someone ELSE'S child! But I can't seem to find anything else that I like instead... And so the struggle continues... And we already had a name picked out for a boy!