Wednesday, November 19, 2008


So here's the money shot (I hope this is that last anyone ever sees of this!). As soon as Melanie (the ultrasound tech) put her little wand on my belly looking for it, I knew. I said, "Is that what I think it is?" She asked what I thought it was. Well, I've been around enough preggers to know that 3 white lines indicates a girl. And I was right! Here's the proof that I'm having a girl!

Here's a good 3D pic of her sweet little face.

A little hand...

And a fairly large looking foot!

A great profile shot! Your can see her heart and spine. And her little lips are parted!

Apparently she likes to lay with her legs curled up just like mommy.
Again with the open mouth. She might be a little chatterbox like her brother.

Another great 3D pic. She's a little pressed up against the placenta, and both arms are up by her head, but the nose and lips look perfect!


So apparently everyone thinks that because I was hoping for a boy that I didn't want a girl. NOT TRUE! I am thrilled to be having a girl! But before I found it was a girl, I really was liking the idea of having another boy. I hope that it didn't come across that way, that I would be disappointed to be having a girl. Regardless, it's a girl and I'm HAPPY! Now, the only problem is finding a name we like... And so the search continues.


Anonymous said...

YEAHHHH! I'm so happy, a princess!

Anonymous said...

I AM SO EXCITED YOU ARE HAVING A GIRL! Now little Nora and your little girl can be best friends! YAH! CONGRATS!

508 North Market Street said...

Hooray! Welcome to the world of PINK mommy:)