Thursday, July 23, 2009

Random Summer Fun- July '09

Doug's favorite part about Ellison's bath is her hair afterwards. Her hair gets so fuzzy after it's been washed and dried. Doug did the honor's of bath time...

Then, we had to get the fuzzy head shots...
Both Garrett and Ellison love standing up at this age!
I walked in one morning to wake Garrett up and found him sleeping like this...
We visited Mimi and Papa camping in Holland State Park and Garrett wanted to try his cousin Nathan's two-wheeler with training wheels.

Ice cream with the cousins: Carmen, Shelby, Madison, Nathan, and Garrett
Madison, Nathan, and Garrett
Garrett is really into wearing my shoes, especially if their sandals or flip-flops. These are my heeled sandals...
Auntie Gwen came home last weekend to visit, and bought Garrett a special gift- big boy underwear! After his bath one night, we put them on him to see his reaction...

He didn't pee... this particular night.

Yesterday I put the underwear on him starting after he went pee in the potty. He went downstairs to play with his toys, and about a half hour later, he starts coming up the steps saying, "I sorry, Mama. I sorry, Mama" over and over again. I thought, "Oh, no. What did he do?" He told me he peed in the basement. I checked his underwear and sure enough, the front was wet, but just a little. So I made him sit on the potty, but he didn't go anymore. We got some dry underwear on and he went back downstairs to play. Not 5 minutes later, Garrett is coming back upstairs saying he's sorry again. I tried putting him on the potty, but he screamed and cried. He didn't want to sit on the potty. So I just put a diaper back on him. If I can't even get him to sit on the potty without a tantrum, there's no point in trying the underwear. After getting a diaper on, we went downstairs and looked for the pee. I couldn't find anything. Twenty minutes later, Garrett comes upstairs again yelling, "I found my pee, Mama!". We did find a puddle on the floor that I had to clean up. The joys of potty training...