Wednesday, July 8, 2009

First day back...

Well, I had my official first day back to work yesterday. It went okay. I felt like my brain was in a fog all day. My usual routine that my brain is currently wired for is wake up, change diapers, feed Ellison, feed Garrett, play, eat, naps, change diapers, feed, play, change diapers...etc. But suddenly having to think about where drugs are in the pharmacy, remembering all the little details of things I have to do to get my job done... well, let's just say I was a little foggy all day.

I was a little concerned about pumping at work since I've never done it before, but it worked out okay. The only real problem came when daycare called me at 2pm to say that Ellison wouldn't take a bottle and hadn't eaten since I fed her at 7am! I started getting really worried because I only packed 2 bottles, and they had to dump 1 because she wouldn't take it. If she didn't take the second bottle, they'd have to dump that one too. I had to work until 5:30, and I didn't want her going 4 more hours without eating! So they tried a third time to give her the bottle. Sarah, the assistant director, told me later that Ellison fell asleep with the pipe in her mouth, and they snuck it out and replaced it with the bottle. She protested a little at first, but finally started sucking it down.

I was pretty upset at work. My boss was GREAT about it. She had no problem with me leaving work to go feed Ellison. I knew that if she didn't take the bottle, that's what I would need to do, but I still felt bad leaving work, especially since another coworker just left sick. Luckily Ellison finally ate, and I stayed at work.

Now that I'm home with Ellison and I know she's okay, I can take a couple days to recover before I have to go back. Thankfully I'm only working two days a week!