Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun Fall Day

Thursday afternoon, after Garrett's nap, we decided to have some fun time outside before Doug came home from school. It wasn't TOO cold out, but Garrett wanted to wear his hat at mittens too.

Of course the lawnmower had to be played with. We walked up and down the sidewalk for about 10-15 minutes, then went around the cul-de-sac. We ended up mowing the neighbor's lawn.

After playing with the lawnmower, we played in the leaves that were piling up along the curb. I made a pile in the grass and he laid in it. Looks so peaceful, huh?

After Doug got home we went to Post Family Farms to get some pumpkins. There was this kitten that fell in love with Garrett and vice-versa. Here's Garrett giving the kitten a hug.
And pointing out that kitty has a tail...

This cat was cool. It kept sitting on the pumpkins and posing by them. Too bad it wasn't my cat I was taking pics of!

Garrett and the pumpkins...

Here's a cute (but wild) video of him running through the leaves on the curb. He thought it was so fun to kick the leaves all over!


Anonymous said...

he is getting so big! He is so super cute! I can't wait to see what the next one looks like!