Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Are we or aren't we?

That seems to be the question of late.

"Are you going to find out the sex of the baby?"

Well, I would like to. Last time, I actually was content to wait, like Doug wanted. Although I did want to know, I thought it would be a fun surprise. So we waited... and waited and waited. Now, I find that I'm actually hoping for one sex over the other. And for all you booing me at the moment, you know that when you say "all I want is a healthy baby", although it's ALWAYS true, that's never the answer to the question.

That being said, I would love for Garrett to have a little brother. Of course I would love a little girl too. But there's something about knowing Garrett might have a best bud and constant playmate that makes me melty inside. I never had a sister, and my brother never had a brother. My ideal family is NOT one boy and one girl. Since my relationship with my brother is virtually nonexistant, I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. I also hope that if this baby is a girl, that she and Garrett will be close, like David and I once was.

I think that because of this, I want to know. That way I can try to be as prepared as possible for whatever may come.


Anonymous said...

I am so impatient! We both LOVE finding out! I don't care what we have, and I really mean it this time. (No crying if it is a girl!) I think because I know that I will have more than 2. Plus, I like being prepared! let us know if you find out!