Monday, June 29, 2009

Potty Training

So, no one ever told me how DRAINING potty training is! I only tried a pull up with Garrett this morning, and already I'm exhausted! He's gone potty on his own twice in the last couple weeks, so I figured we could try a pull up and see what happens. Well, not only did he pee in his pull up and not tell me, but the pull up leaked and got his shorts AND the couch wet! The weird part was that when I noticed his shorts were wet, I checked his pull up and it was dry! Then I noticed the couch was wet, and the pull up was still dry! Not until later was his pull up wet.

So then I took him to the potty and tried to explain again that he needs to tell me when his diaper feels cold. Of course he doesn't get it. So I think that this is going to be a very interesting experience.

I made a chart for Garrett that has five different potty training "lessons" and when he does any two of them, he gets a sticker on the chart. He will also get a piece of candy if he successfully goes on the potty. So I'm hoping that all this praise and bribery will help. The only problem now is getting him to understand WHEN he needs to go to the bathroom BEFORE he goes... until then I think I'm going to be doing a lot of cleaning up.