Friday, June 26, 2009

More summer fun...

Doug plays softball every Monday night, and Doug wanted me to come watch the game with the kids. Garrett was so excited to "play" with Daddy!

Garrett high-fiving one of Daddy's teamates

Garrett throwing like his Mommy

Ellison and I were waking Garrett from his nap and he was too tired to get up, so he snuggled with her instead.

Holland State Park- One of Garrett's favorite activities all day was to throw sand in the water.

Not much to do for Ellison. Too bright to really open her eyes, too sunny to leave the shade.

She finally got a little of the scenery after I fed her.

There was a group of kids from Oklahoma on a church trip making sand castles next to us. Garrett wanted to play with them so bad that he walked right up to them and started talking to them. They thought he was cute, so they let him help by bringing pails of water to fill up their moat.

What a tiring day! Both kids are sleeping!