Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy First Birthday Ellison!

FINALLY! I got the video to load! I've been working on getting Ellison's Birthday video on Blogger, or Facebook, or Youtube for the last 4 days, and I finally got it to work! Whew!

We ended up having a little birthday celebration for Ellison this last Saturday to celebrate her first birthday! I can't believe how fast the time has gone! We just wanted to get everyone together for food and fun. We actually got to grill hamburgers and hot dogs, then opened presents and had cake and ice cream. Unfortunately, the cake didn't go over so well with Ellison. Even though she's had it before, everytime I put the frosting on her lips she started making a cough/gag noise.

I was hoping to do a great big post about her birthday, but my computer is not cooperating. I'll have to post pics on another post. But for now, here's the video I made of her first year!


Linda Quist said...

Loved the video! She is so super cute!