Saturday, June 27, 2009

Carolyn's 3rd Birthday Party

Friday we were invited to Carolyn Irving's birthday party. It was a great time. Garrett was so good about eating dinner. He ate half of a hot dog, and even tried watermelon! We even had this fantastic birthday cake that EB made with fresh strawberries on top! But the best part (for Garrett) was after Carolyn opened her presents... the pool! All the kids got their swim suits on and played outside in the pool or ran through the sprinkler.

Carolyn was the first to go down the slide
Garrett wasn't too far after! His first time sliding into a pool!

He was SO pumped!

Yet another great slide by Garrett

I think of all the kids, Garrett had the most fun. He was running around screaming, yelling, making weird noises, and being very boisterous. He looks like he's on speed combined with a sugar rush! But it may just be because he's a boy. All the other kids his age were girls, and they play more gently. It was still funny to watch! If you can't tell which one Garrett is, he's the one making the most noise...


EB said...

I love that you blogged about my daughter's birthday party before I did. :) Great pictures!! I'm so glad that you guys had fun! :)