Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Toys!

I realized that the perfect thing for Ellison to have now that she's a little older is an exersaucer. Now that she's almost 14 lbs., she's reaking havoc on my back. So, to give her something to do while I try to get things done around the house, I decided to look for a used exersaucer on Craigslist. I found more than a few, and called on one on Monday. I went that morning to look at it, and it was almost unused! The woman selling it said it was her neighbor's, has one child that has used it, and he was in daycare a lot so he hardly ever used it! They were selling it for $35, which I thought was a good deal since retail is $80! I wiped it all down and washed the seat. The only part of it that looks a little used was this soft stacked block toy attachment. When I went online to find out what retail is for the exersaucer, I noticed there was a recall on it. I checked out the recall and the toy that was recalled was soft stacked blocks. I went to the manufacturer website and they're going to send me a replacement toy for free! All I had to do was send them my address and I'll get the new one in about a week! So, Ellison will have a virtually new exersaucer to play in. Here's a few shots of her enjoying the new stimulation...

Reading a book about animals
I think she's trying to talk to me... or burp.
Yea! New toys!