He didn't pee... this particular night.
Yesterday I put the underwear on him starting after he went pee in the potty. He went downstairs to play with his toys, and about a half hour later, he starts coming up the steps saying, "I sorry, Mama. I sorry, Mama" over and over again. I thought, "Oh, no. What did he do?" He told me he peed in the basement. I checked his underwear and sure enough, the front was wet, but just a little. So I made him sit on the potty, but he didn't go anymore. We got some dry underwear on and he went back downstairs to play. Not 5 minutes later, Garrett is coming back upstairs saying he's sorry again. I tried putting him on the potty, but he screamed and cried. He didn't want to sit on the potty. So I just put a diaper back on him. If I can't even get him to sit on the potty without a tantrum, there's no point in trying the underwear. After getting a diaper on, we went downstairs and looked for the pee. I couldn't find anything. Twenty minutes later, Garrett comes upstairs again yelling, "I found my pee, Mama!". We did find a puddle on the floor that I had to clean up. The joys of potty training...
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