Wednesday, April 1, 2009

39 weeks... and still counting

39 weeks with Baby Girl.

Last time, Doug made me have my picture taken every week to show the change in my belly, but I got so fed up with it that we ended up stopping around 7 months. I never did get a final picture of how I looked in the week before Garrett was born. This time we did the opposite- no weekly pictures, but one last picture.

I can't believe I'm officially due in 4 days! Holy cow! I know that I've been hoping this time would go quickly, mostly because of how uncomfortable I've been throughout this pregnancy, but now that she's dropped into my pelvis more and is too big to move so much (and painfully, I might add!) I'm actually more comfortable now than I was 3-4 weeks ago! It seems strange that I'm having a baby in the next week! For all you Mommies out there, was there ever a time when the reality of having the baby just HIT you?!

I'm just hoping that whenever she decides to come, that she's happy and perfectly healthy, and that I go into labor on my own and don't have to be induced.


linda said...

Krysh, I think you look so amazing!!! I am so jealous how good you look! Second, I am so thankful you are comfortable, and I can't wait to get a phone call that she is here! And if you don't mind, I would like to visit you in the hospital! And if you are not up to it, no big deal, I will visit you when you are are up to it! Sleep well tonight and I am praying....