Saturday, February 7, 2009

Almost done...

With a lot of things... the bathroom, this pregnancy, Garrett's time in the crib... If I really sat down and thought about all the things that are about to be finished in my life, I'm sure I could think of more than just these 3. But as of right now, I'm too tired to contemplate anymore.

As most who know me well, a very good friend of mine is due February 11th, so basically any day now. Whenever people comment at work about both of us being pregnant, we both kind of are excited about the fact that we're only 7&1/2 weeks apart. However, I've noticed that even though that's practically 2 months difference, I can't help but feel like my time is almost over too. Every time she hit a milestone in her pregnancy, it always felt like in the blink of an eye, I was hitting that milestone too. And now, to think that she could be having a baby the next few days, I feel really unprepared. Especially since we don't have a name picked out yet.

On a brighter note, my bathroom is almost finished. Well, tiling is. Doug got all the floor tiles cut, and once those are installed, the mosaic and grouting can be finished. Hopefully it'll at least get done before the baby is born, but I'm confident that it will.

As for Garrett, although I'm excited for him to move into a big boy bed, it scares me that he is able to get out of his crib all by himself, and open the door. Of course, it's all my fault for teaching him how to climb out of it in the first place, but now we're noticing that he will come out of his room on his own. This is scary for me! This morning, we heard him crying, and the next thing we knew he was standing the the hallway. After today's nap, we didn't hear a peep until he came up behind be in the hall and said "Hi!". And tonight, he's gotten out of his room twice after we put him down for the night. Although I'm not mad at him for doing it, I still feel like he's too young to be doing this. I almost fear for his safety, even though there's no more danger to him than during the day. If any mom's can help me with this anxiety or offer suggestions or solutions, please feel free to comment. I don't know, maybe it's just time we actually move him to a big boy bed. See how he does.

As for everything else, all I can say is that its time for bed. Sleeping has gotten to be a luxury, so I'd better get it while I can, huh?


Christi said...

Hi! This is Christi, EB's friend. We suffer the same problem with escaping at our house. We've started putting those handle locks on the inside of the room. That way when I go to bed, I know he's not wandering around drinking cleaning supplies! Just a thought and good luck as you finish up your pregnancy and through this transition time.