Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Carving

On Sunday, Doug and I decided to carve our pumpkins to get ready for Halloween. Garrett wanted to help, but since he's too young to wield a knife responsibly, we put him in his highchair to color while we worked. As you can see, not only did he get the marker on the paper, but on the tray as well. Then, Garrett starts saying, "Hair, hair." And I look up and he has the marker on his head.

Yup, he colored his hair. Sorry Nana.

After we got his pumpkin carved, he really enjoyed playing with the top, taking it on and off. HIS "putt-in" (pumpkin) was his favorite.

Big cheesy smile!

Daddy carving his pumpkin...


Smells good, huh?

Daddy's pumpkin...

Mommy and Daddy's pumpkins...

Mommy, Daddy, and Garrett's pumpkins...

Mommy, Daddy, Garrett, and Baby's pumpkins!



EB said...

LOVE it!! :) Specially the cheesy smile and the BOO with Baby Pumpkin. Might have to copy your idea. :)

Anonymous said...

great pumpkins! And Garrett is really so super cute! And I love the baby pumpkin! Laney helped me carve a Dora pumpkin. She really enjoyed it! I love great excuses to be a kid!