Saturday, January 9, 2010

Catch up already!

Whew! So the holidays are finally over, and I haven't blogged since mid-November. Here's a quick catch-up post of what's been going on:

Garrett and Ellison absolutely love each other. She loves to watch him and laugh at his crazy antics, and he loves to hug and kiss on her, and make sure she doesn't put yucky stuff in her mouth. We were watching a movie one night and Ellison was playing on the floor. Garrett just wanted to cuddle with her. And of course she loved it! She was grinning the whole time!
Now that Ellison is sitting up on her own and crawling, it's easier to put her in the bathtub. Both enjoy it. And Garrett especially like showing her how to play with the bath toys.
Our gingerbread house Garrett and I made one day. We didn't end up eating it because I wanted to wait to eat it at Christmas, but by then everyone was sick and throwing up. Finally when everyone was better, it was really stale and hard. But Garrett had fun making it, and that's all that matters.

One of Garrett's new Christmas presents was "Rub-A-Dub Dub Shaving In The Tub" kit from Grandma Pat and Papoose Papa. He loves to shave like Daddy, so now he has his own berry scented shaving gel, and plastic razor to use in the bathtub.
"Make sure you get your neck."

Just ONE of Garrett's favorite new toys... the Matchbox Pirate Ship! Not only does it roll on the floor, but it floats in the bathtub! And the Octopus squirts water, too!

And the birthday present that I had been planning for 2 months!!! Garrett's own fish tank! It's hard to see in this picture, but there are two Mollies, two Angelfish, and a Placo. We couldn't find a dragon to go with the castle, so Doug substituted a T-Rex and Triceratops ;)

Garrett's 3rd Birthday cake, made by Daddy!

The holidays combined with fevers and colds just wore Ellison out. Doug put her in the exersaucer for a minute so he could use the bathroom, and this was how he found her when he came back out. Poor tired Baby Girl!

And what movie wouldn't be complete without the best seat in the house... a dump truck?!

Now that everyone starting to feel better and the holidays and parties are over, I'm hoping to get back into blogging more and taking more pictures. I'll have to be on my toes though, because Ellison is now pulling up on furniture! Soon she'll be walking and I definitely don't want to miss those first steps!