Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The many faces of Ellison

Ellison has this weird stranger anxiety going on lately. She started this about a month or two ago, and every time she sees someone that she hasn't seen in a while, mainly men, she gets really pouty and stick out her lower lip to show her discontent.

Mama, what's going on?
Who are you?

Mama, I don't think I like him...

I'm scared. Who are you?

Mama, please help me!

Why is everyone laughing at me?!

I'm going to cry now.

Luckily Garrett finally warmed up to my dad and even got to sit on the BIG motorcycle! He looks at ease there, doesn't he?

Sorry, Dad. Hope that her reaction doesn't hurt your feelings. But she's a girl, and she cries easily. I guess this just means that we need to get together more often!

Monday, August 10, 2009

My parent's new boat!

Yesterday Doug and I took the kids to Muskegon to visit my parents. And since it was to be a really hot day, we went for a little ride out on the new boat! It's beautiful, and though it seems a little small for the amount of crap we always have to lug around for two kids (hopefully that'll get better as they get older), it was fun to spend time out on the water in a non-police boat actually built for passenger comfort.

Sgt. Gary Berdinski at the wheel trying not to be "in charge" for once...
There we go! Finally got a "smile" out of him!

Ellison had to be safe too, but her life jacket was a little too big.

Nana and Ellison enjoying the sun

After a little while, Ellison started falling asleep, so we put her down for a nap while we finished cruising Muskegon Lake. Can you believe she actually slept?
Thanks for the fun Mom and Dad!

BIG days at the DeGraaf house...

First, Loki had to have a bath due to unexpected bowel issues in the basement. I should have realized how much hair was going to come off during the brushing when virtually none came off during the bath... Since when did we get a second dog?

Doug is growing pumpkins and tomatoes in our garden. Check out this freakishly big tomato!

In addition to Loki needing a bath and brushing, laundry also had to be done. I do believe that this is every article of clothing that exists in our house. Luckily with Doug's help, it didn't take that long to put away.